Distance Learning

Teaching remotely with LP+365

LP+365 allows you to Teach and learn from home. Scheduling a video call in Teams is simple, add the invitation to the LP+365 class dashboard and all of your students can access your class remotely. Video calls allow you teach remotely in the same way as you would in the classroom, whether its teaching to the whole class or one to one.

Work at home, working from home

Our chairman, professor Stephen Heppell shares best practices on helping you make your home working space the very best it can be to keep you bright, engaged, clever and productive. click here to read Stephens post on working from home and click here to read his post on online working.

Traits of a Successful Online Teacher

Catlin Tucker is a Google Certified Innovator, bestselling author, international trainer, and keynote speaker.
In her latest blog she talks about the traits of a successful online teacher.