Well, learning is going global at quite a pace. It makes good sense for companies who are themselves growing rapidly in this global education space to look for ways to collaborate and at Learning Possibilities we are delighted to announce our own partnership and collaboration with Capita Managed IT Solutions, together providing a powerful digital solution to the management of teaching and education resources. Making learning better, together.
We both enjoy large installations of our digital tools and resources. In a world where new technology-in-learning companies seem to appear, crash and burn in very short order it is pleasing that both Learning Possibilities and Capita Managed IT Solutions have been around for very many years. We both have an experienced track record of providing and evolving, what schools, teachers and learners need.
As most of you will already know, LP+365 is an app that transforms Microsoft Office 365 into a simple to use school’s learning and collaboration platform. Students and teachers can instantly work together through a simple dashboard offering a personal space where they can manage emails, OneDrive, OneNote, together with Skype, assignments and calendars, all from one simple and easy to use platform.
LP+365 can be accessed on any smart device, from the classroom, at home or even (and this matters in many emerging new education systems globally), off-line too.