Always Amazing When It Comes Together


I was delighted to read that Estyn, the Welsh school inspection service, has applauded Barry Island Primary School (BIPS) on offering excellent learning experiences to their pupils, in particular for using highly innovative and effective practices in developing Hwb+ learning.

Hwb+ is our LP+ platform in Wales and this is, to the best of my knowledge, the first time Estyn has mentioned a private company.

What are Barry Island doing that is different? They are following a simple formula that delivers; firstly engage the SLT in aligning Hwb+ to their school improvement plan. This gives the platform a purpose. Next, have a plan to roll out the platform across the school; in this case the school trained one class, and then added a new class every half term. Finally, ensure that there is adequate CPD. In BIPS case, this was through previous class staff becoming mentors for the new classes.

Becky Cadman, Acting Head Teacher at BIPS commented, “The key in including all stakeholders is not only the ‘what’ but also the ‘why’. Sharing the concept behind the facilities and ensuring everyone has an eye on the desired final outcomes as a collective!”