For many, a new year means new goals, challenges and adventures.
For the team here at Learning Possibilities this is no different, and we certainly have plenty planned throughout 2017 to support our mission, which is to enhance teaching and learning to help students achieve more.
Here’s what we have in store for January:
Bett UK 2017
Bett 2017 will open its doors at 10am on Wednesday the 25th of January. This will be our 15th year exhibiting at the Bett show, and to make this year special we have decided to join up with our partners Microsoft and HP to make finding us even easier.
We’ll be on stands #D200 and #C300. Book your meeting with us at Bett today, by emailing us.
Training Events
Over the spring term our education consultants will be working with schools based in Wales and the rest of the UK to help in embedding technology into teaching practices supporting positive education outcomes.
If you’re already part of the LP+ community send us an email here to enquire about training for your School, School Improvement Group or Cluster.
If you are not based in the UK but would like to get in touch regarding training, please emailand we’ll put you in touch with one of our global partners based nearest to your location.
Showcase schools
We will continue working with our showcase schools to bring you examples of good usage and best practice.
In January we will be working with:
• All Saints Primary School in Barry, South Wales.
• Parklands Primary, Northamptonshire.
If you would like further information on becoming a showcase school, get in touch with our team by sending us an email here.