Our inbuilt homework and assignments tool on LP+365 allows teachers to easily set homework tasks,
including full assignment briefs with any external content, additional resources or templates.
Students can keep track of their homework tasks and deadlines via their email or personal calendars (licensed through your school’s Office 365 tenancy) from anywhere at any time, meaning no more excuses about lost homework sheets.
“I’ve found that since using LP+365 to set my class homework, they’ve all wanted to get started as soon as possible. The fact that they can submit their work via the app also means that everything can be kept in one place. Here are some of the comments students in the class have had after using the LP+365 App:
‘I might do my homework if I got it this way!’
‘Can I have my login and then use it at home? I can show my Mum then!’
‘Can I get this on my phone?’
‘I usually hate writing, but this actually makes me like writing – don’t tell my teacher though!’
It’s also possible to include content or resources from third party websites in the brief, but you can also mix it up by setting tasks such as blog writing, data analysis, debate planning or collaborating on a project, all from within the same app. It’s simple to manage and the children love it.” – A teacher from Southampton Junior School in Hampshire, UK.
For more information on our inbuilt homework & assignments tool, watch our quick video on setting homework and assignments with LP+365.